Sweetie left this morning after a wonderful, but all too short weekend. Late afternoon decided to go see the movie, The Changeling, with Angelina Jolie. I only go to the movies about 4 times a year and am not sure what motivated me today. I think I just wanted to justify popcorn!
The movie was really good. It's the story of a single mom in the late 1920's in Los Angeles. After her 9 year old son is kidnapped, the LAPD return a boy who she says is not her son, while the police insist it is. If you're a mother, you know there's no way anyone could subsitute another child for your little one. The police try to blow her off and basically portray her as a crazy woman. You know, Sweetie sometimes asks me the question "If you could come back during any time period, which would it be?" My answer is always the 20's but if this is how women are treated, I think I'm going to have to rethink this.
I won't give away the full story, but highly recommend you see it. Made me come home and hug my kids. Had to just call Lovable since she doesn't live at home.
The movie is based on a true story which makes it even more wrenching.
Workout Log
Hills for 52 minutes - warm-up, 5 laps, cool-down
Rest Day (was supposed to ride but was lazy)
5 miles at 9:50 pace (and no walk breaks)
Rest Day
16 miles with Sweetie, Canadian Debbie and Chris. 10:34 pace overall
Cycling 1.5 hours - rode by myself from the house and discovered a new route
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