Saturday, November 15, 2008

What's all the hype about YOGA?

With the 6 weeks "rest" from working out I seemed to be really tight and inflexible now. So, I joined Canadian Debbie in a yoga class this week. Gotta tell you that I've tried yoga twice before and hated it. I get B-O-R-E-D. When I exercise I'm looking for action, sweat and most of all socializing with my buddies. In yoga you are quiet, relax and I didn't sweat a drop. Can that really be exercise? Doesn't seem like it.

Now all the Hollywood stars do yoga and claim it's what they do to keep in shape. I'm not so sure I believe them. I think they are secretly running and doing crunches when nobody is looking and then claim they're doing cool Pilates and Yoga.

But, I'm going to give it at least a few more weeks and see if it helps me before being a yogie drop out with ADD who can't sit still!

Workout Log
Hills - 5 loops/52 min

Yoga Class

Swimming 45 min
5 miles at Memorial Park

Rest Day

15.3 miles with Canadian Debbie


sassy stephanie said...

You just can't look at it as a replacement workout.

I am totally the same way. You have to treat it like what it is. A stretch session. Building tone, etc, yes, but it won't replace the "cardio high".

sassy stephanie said...

Oh yeah, and there's the core strengthening bonus.

June said...

I don't look at it as a workout but as stretching which is good for an off day...which I probably should do since every muscle is sooooo tight right now!